Friday, November 5, 2010

Olbermann Suspended From MSNBC for Campaign Donations

How many of us are really shocked to hear this? Keith Olbermann could be liberal enough to be making campaign donations to Democrats?

I mean, honestly. Are you really shocked, MSNBC? Or was the pressure simply on after election night? Is this supposed to make it all better?

NYT report <---click here

FOX <--- click here
YAHOO NEWS <--- click here

MSNBC’s election night lineup draws criticism

Did some of the national media look in the mirror lately and see the corruption that is actually going on?

Or do they simply not want to go down with the sinking ship, as American Idol Barry is starting to be realized not as popular as thought to be?

An extremely interesting article on Yahoo News today - regarding MSNBC's unethical election coverage:

MSNBC’s election night lineup draws criticism

Kudos to Yahoo News!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Double Standard and the Truth....

A quick plug for Kevin Jackson....and his new site you can visit HERE.

Kevin Jackson Demolishes David Shuster on MSNBC

The Truth

Booooo! Booooooo! The typical response when you speak truth. Either that, or you get called a racist. It's one or the other.

Anyone who tells you how unqualified or horrible Sarah Palin is, challenge them with two simple questions:

"What did Barry do before becoming President?"
"What were his qualifications for the job?"

Sarah Palin ran out corruption in her own party, had 80% approval rating (across party lines) as Governor, she ran her state in a fiscally responsible manner, and cut costs for taxpayers.

Then compare that w/Barry...........after the silence, thank the person for the complete waste of your time, and that you hope they at least learned something today....

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Double Standard Returns With The Factor


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chris 'Thrill Up The Leg' Matthews forgot Obama was black, for an hour.

Double Standard, enter here. Please take a number.

Video: “I forgot he was black.”

"And they call Tea Party folks RAAAAAACISTS?" - Michelle Malkin

Chris Matthews has put his foot in his mouth before on live television, and after the State of the Union, he did it again.

I bet Nancy Pelosi started crying when she saw this, bringing back all those horrible San Francisco memories, again. Oh wait.....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Barry - Diabolical? Or Frontman?

We all know about Barry's background (well, those of us who cared to pay attention).
His beliefs. Those whom he surrounds himself with and appoints.

And as we prepare for tonights State of Confusion address (thank you, Mark Levin), and while it's easy to see what is going on, here.....when you look at Barry in a 6th grade classroom (above), with teleprompters, you have to consider all your options.

Is he lying when he says not to blame him for the backroom deals?? It seems pretty obvious that he is, but, I can't help but also consider the possibility that this man is simply a front man. Used for his American Idol persona and speaking abilities, the way he's able to morph himself into whatever the crowd he is speaking to wants to see, his race easily securing 95+% of the black voter population, and the way he just came out of nowhere....

He has no experience. He may simply just be absolutely clueless, and is simply used as a public relations President, pushing the agendas of those writing his speeches.

Think about it. I never see the man doing anything, Presidential. He's constantly running around speaking everywhere. Or taking trips overseas. Or taking vacations. But there he is, every day, on the TV, campaigning. The never-ending campaign. All he does is campaign.

And what he spews out and promises all the time, never happens. Which either means he's a constant liar, or, he really has no say or power at all.

It's either one or the other, Barry. So which is it? Are you a liar? Or are you really not calling the shots?

Maybe HE really DID think C-Span would be a great idea.

Is he just the salesman? You know the guy, the guy who shows up, who can solve all your problems, if you just agree to buy his product. He'll make all sorts of promises and tell you how great it will be, and then after you buy the product...well, you realize, hey wait a minute....where's all that stuff you promised? Then you try to contact the rep, and you can't get a hold of him. He's shuffled around the office, unreachable. The American people are starting to try to get back in touch with the sales rep, "Hey, what about all those promises?". But you all don't have it in writing, do you?

Actually, some actually doing their job in the media, do have it in writing. They have it on video. And the Administration doesn't like that. Not at all.

Then you talk to the main office, and they tell you, 'Oh well, he really didn't have the authority to promise you that stuff, that's not possible, have a nice day.' Kind of like Pelosi laughs it off. "Ha ha ha, oh that Barry! Yes, he says a lot of things, doesn't he? C-Span. Ha Ha Ha.'

Certainly we agree on his personal philosophies and agendas, and how scary they truly are, but the bottom line is some days, I honestly can't figure out if he's up to no good, or if the teleprompters are up to no good, and his job is just to spew it to his American Idol audience.

It would explain even more while bumbling bafoon Gibbs comes off as he does. I mean, it's tough to be the spokesperson for the spokesperson. What is there to say, you're doing press briefings discussing the public relations guy, who simply does speeches.

It would get irritating when you have to explain why the guy who says a bunch of stuff, with no power to do it, said what he said, and didn't deliver. Wouldn't it?

I'm not letting up one ounce of pressure on Barry, but I do pose the question again.

Which is it, Mr. Obama?

Are you a liar?

Or are you just the salesman? Are you calling the shots?

Consider all the possibilities and keep your eyes wide open, America.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gibbs Gets Grilled @ White House Briefing

Getting a little tense. What is this, a town hall meeting? And it's not even Fox News. What's happening to the Hope & Change?

Just answer the question, Gibby.

Yesterday -

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pelosi Confirms "Hope & Change" Was A Lie?

Pelosi emerged from a meeting with her leadership team and committee chairs in the Capitol to face an aggressive throng of reporters who immediately hit her with C-SPAN’s request that she permit closed-door final talks on the bill to be televised.

A reporter reminded the San Francisco Democrat that in 2008, then-candidate Obama opined that all such negotiations be open to C-SPAN cameras.

“There are a number of things he was for on the campaign trail,” quipped Pelosi, who has no intention of making the deliberations public.

Read more:

In Case A Refresher Is Needed - here are 8 examples of yet another of Barry's false campaign promises.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

C-SPAN Challenges Congress to Open Health Care Talks to TV Coverage


The head of C-SPAN has implored Congress to open up the last leg of health care reform negotiations to the public, as top Democrats lay plans to hash out the final product among themselves.

This format would seem ideal for closed-door meetings, which congressional Democrats have used many times to figure out sensitive provisions in the health care bill -- though President Obama pledged during the campaign to open up health care talks to C-SPAN's cameras.

Full Article Here and HERE.