Friday, November 5, 2010

Olbermann Suspended From MSNBC for Campaign Donations

How many of us are really shocked to hear this? Keith Olbermann could be liberal enough to be making campaign donations to Democrats?

I mean, honestly. Are you really shocked, MSNBC? Or was the pressure simply on after election night? Is this supposed to make it all better?

NYT report <---click here

FOX <--- click here
YAHOO NEWS <--- click here

MSNBC’s election night lineup draws criticism

Did some of the national media look in the mirror lately and see the corruption that is actually going on?

Or do they simply not want to go down with the sinking ship, as American Idol Barry is starting to be realized not as popular as thought to be?

An extremely interesting article on Yahoo News today - regarding MSNBC's unethical election coverage:

MSNBC’s election night lineup draws criticism

Kudos to Yahoo News!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Double Standard and the Truth....

A quick plug for Kevin Jackson....and his new site you can visit HERE.

Kevin Jackson Demolishes David Shuster on MSNBC

The Truth

Booooo! Booooooo! The typical response when you speak truth. Either that, or you get called a racist. It's one or the other.

Anyone who tells you how unqualified or horrible Sarah Palin is, challenge them with two simple questions:

"What did Barry do before becoming President?"
"What were his qualifications for the job?"

Sarah Palin ran out corruption in her own party, had 80% approval rating (across party lines) as Governor, she ran her state in a fiscally responsible manner, and cut costs for taxpayers.

Then compare that w/Barry...........after the silence, thank the person for the complete waste of your time, and that you hope they at least learned something today....