Tuesday, October 6, 2009

CNN - In The Tank News

CNN "Fact Checks" SNL

This is what they choose to Fact Check. A SNL skit that finally, maybe, possibly, kinda sorta, makes Barry look bad.

WOLF BLITZER to the RESCUE - "....what they (SNL) are doing now is not necessarily all that kind"
Are............you..............serious? And the some 6+ years of George W. Bush skits, were......?

"Can one even imagine CNN fact checking any of the skits SNL on President Bush or Sarah Palin?? Heaven forbid SNL finally make fun of President Obama. CNN couldn't help themselves. They actually fact checked the jokes. "(CNN video on page) - Kathleen McKinley, Newsbusters.org ////
"CNN is worried (that) Saturday Night Live dared run a sketch mocking Obama as failing to deliver on any of his campaign promises. They then spend 4 minutes trying to say SNL is wrong...

First it's comedy, so fact checking it is silly. Second they fail to mention that the skit when through a list of about 20 promises Obama hasn't even sniffed at fulfilling.
It's not news, it's CNN..."