So what is it this time?
The Libyan crisis, that's what causes the gas prices to increase!
But wait! There's more!
“I don’t know if anybody right now knows what is happening in Libya,” said Mr Naimi. “Whatever is happening in Libya, the disruption to oil markets has not happened. When we see a shortage in supply, we will rectify that immediately.”
He added: “There’s absolutely no reason to be concerned on the supply side even if disruption were to happen.”
According to the Saudis, what is happening in Libya, should not be effecting the price of oil! So.....why ARE the prices going up at the gas pumps?
According to new reports, it's the gas station owners raising the prices ahead of time, so that they can afford to pay higher prices when its time to buy more gasoline.
So THAT's why gas prices go up so high so fast, but......again.....why does it take so long to come back down....if the expectation doesn't happen?
You would think with something THIS important, that REALLY is what put the country in recession the last time, we would finally be able to figure out what the REAL reason is for why gas prices always seem to have to go up?
But until we do....then it's time to keep updating the now famous DS Gas Prices Excuse Tracker:
Excuse Tracker for reasons that gas prices increase:
1. Winter months, heating
2. Hurricane in Gulf of Mexico
3. Manufacturing demands by industrial nations, i.e. China
4. Americans and SUVs
5. Market speculation
6. March and April "pressures on refineries"
7. Tensions in Middle East
8. A whale died in the Atlantic
9. A turtle sneezed in the Pacific
10. Global warming
11. Pollen levels
12. Jupiter's red spot
13. The dog ate it.
14. Gas prices take a while to come down because the stations are still selling what they bought at the higher prices
15. Gas prices take no time at all to skyrocket overnight, because reason #14 doesn't apply the other way around.
16. Oil up to pay for alternative resource research
17. Because OPEC says so!
18. A special summer blend is more expensive than the winter blend, as it uses special ingredients! But I thought it was higher in the winter because of the heating demands?
19. Summer vacation, kids are off! And since they all drive cars, this makes total sense!
20. Memorial Day weekend and Independence Day, even tho it's still May and that's in July.
21. Weak dollar causing gas prices to rise
22. Strong dollar gets it back under $80
23. Fuel supply shortage (because OPEC cut the supply in half, right?)
24. Dollar against the Euro
25. See #1 - winter heating, as it got cold in some parts of the U.S. in October, thanks warming?
26. Libya. It's all about Libya
27. No it's not, says Saudi Arabia. Everything is fine. Not sure why the high prices.
28. Gas station owners raise the prices ahead of time, expecting oil prices to go up. But then that means #14 can't be true!