Monday, May 9, 2011
Vicious Cycle
How many investigation teams and/or czars will we need in order to figure out what intelligent U.S. citizens seemingly already know? The economy simply can not recover, when by every time the economy show signs (or said to be showing signs) it is recovering, investors send oil price futures through the roof. This in turn tanks the economy. Oil tanks other commodities. Economy tanks, oil plummets. Economy picks itself up. 2008, rinse repeat.
Did it ever occur to the D.C. intelligence that house payments / car payments for those paycheck in paycheck out Americans got difficult to make, when their gas-ups got 3-4X more expensive per fill? Just to get to work? Just to BE the economy?
The economy CAN NOT recover if it is offset each and every time by this ridiculous speculation of "oil futures". It MUST be dealt with. If you can not take delivery of oil, you can not be speculating and artificially jacking the prices.
Investigate THAT.