Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fairness Doctrine

There's been a lot of talk recently about the Fairness Doctrine, how it would take aim at radio talk show hosts like Sean Hannity and Rush has to wonder about the schmucks over at MSNBC. Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann would not only have to go off the air, but probably have to go kill themselves if they had to try to be neutral in reporting the news.

Daryl Hammond has this down, too good.

Speaking of Matthews and Olbermann - here's some good tv, where the two are at the Democratic National Convention, snapping at two girls fighting in highschool at the prom.....Good stuff.

Or this example, exemplifying the professionalism known as NBC.

Fairness doctrine? I say bring it on, so we can finaly say good riddance to MSNBC.