Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fox News Channel, Obama Administration Talking

Fox News Channel, Obama administration talking; Fox news executive meets Obama press secretary


Meanwhile, Fox received support Wednesday from an unlikely source: CNN's prime-time host Campbell Brown. She interviewed Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett and asked whether the White House considered left-leaning MSNBC biased as well. Jarrett wouldn't speak about the network.

She "seems loathe to admit that MSNBC has a bias," Brown said. "And that is where I think the White House loses all credibility on this issue."

If the White House wants to talk about bias in the media, officials "should elevate the conversation and talk about bias on the right and on the left," Brown said. "Because when you just target one side, you reveal your own bias — that you are only critical of those who are critical of you."


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

No, it's not "funny"!

Comedian Larry David pushed the mocking of religion over the edge in latest episode of his HBO show, critics say.

The Double Standard: What would happen if this were a picture of Mohammad, Budha, or any other religious symbol?

This "I'm a comedian" get-out-of-jail free card BS needs to stop, and it needs to stop, immediately.

Either that, or we play the Double Standard. Every single Christian/Conservative American needs to officially file themselves as a card-carrying "comedian", and then perhaps we can finally have freedom of speech, and avoid being called 'racists'. No, we're comedians. Here, have a business card.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


oh wait, wrong network, never mind - just a simple mistake. Sharpton, Jackson, you guys are like the same, Ha Ha Ha....heh heh heh.....this darn, teleprompter, it's....the darn thing....we got it from Barry, it's a refurbished model....

heh.....I'm so sorry, Reverend Jackson, we know who you are....please don't boycott me.


Update The List Time!!!

When will the BS end.......?

"The oil price is not really following demand and supply signals," said David Hunter, an analyst at the independent energy consultancy McKinnon & Clarke. "The increases this month are related to signs of economic optimism, especially in the US, as well as a weaker dollar price and seasonal increases in demand for fuel."

Uh huh.

Wednesday's lift was provided by a weak dollar and
government oil inventory data showing a sharp drop in gasoline
supplies and a smaller-than-expected rise in crude oil stocks.

There is usually a lag between the direction of crude bought and sold on Nymex and the price that people pay for gasoline to fill up their cars.

Only when the prices drop is there this "lag". There is no lag, however, when the prices go up. That amazingly occurs and becomes visible at the pumps, overnight.

"Crude and products futures fell in heavy overnight volume
as the dollar strengthened against the euro," Addison
Armstrong, analyst at Tradition Energy in Stamford,
Connecticut, said in a note.

Oh so it's the dollar against the euro, now? Must add that one.

Oil prices hit new highs for the year Wednesday just as the dollar fell to new lows against the euro, showing how much the weak U.S. currency has come to dominate energy markets.

The run-up in prices came within minutes of a government report showing that crude supplies in the United States are growing and that refiners are producing very little gasoline because consumers aren't using as much.

Then why do we have a shortage, if we're not using as much?

The oil producers' cartel, Opec, reacted to the rise by cautioning against further increases. The head of Opec, Abdallah Salem el-Badri, said an oil price of more than $80 risked damaging any burgeoning economic growth.

But, wasn't it you, OPEC, who cut supplies in half when fuel prices were down around the $40/barrel range. But now they caution everyone against further increases. YOU CUT supplies in half earlier this year, or are you assuming we surely forgot about that by now? Not happening, thanks to the Double Standard Fuel Price Excuse List! #21 - #25 added. More to come!

Excuse Tracker for reasons that gas prices increase:

1. Winter months, heating
2. Hurricane in Gulf of Mexico
3. Manufacturing demands by industrial nations, i.e. China
4. Americans and SUVs
5. Market speculation
6. March and April "pressures on refineries"
7. Tensions in Middle East
8. A whale died in the Atlantic
9. A turtle sneezed in the Pacific
10. Global warming
11. Pollen levels
12. Jupiter's red spot
13. The dog ate it.
14. Gas prices take a while to come down because the stations are still selling what they bought at the higher prices
15. Gas prices take no time at all to skyrocket overnight, because reason #14 doesn't apply the other way around.
16. Oil up to pay for alternative resource research
17. Because OPEC says so!
18. A special summer blend is more expensive than the winter blend, as it uses special ingredients! But I thought it was higher in the winter because of the heating demands?
19. Summer vacation, kids are off! And since they all drive cars, this makes total sense!
20. Memorial Day weekend and Independence Day, even tho it's still May and that's in July.
21. Weak dollar causing gas prices to rise
22. Strong dollar gets it back under $80
23. Fuel supply shortage (because OPEC cut the supply in half, right?)
24. Dollar against the Euro
25. See #1 - winter heating, as it got cold in some parts of the U.S. in October, thanks warming?

Monday, October 19, 2009

If You Can't Beat 'Em....

....Disregard Them.

White House Urges Other Networks to Disregard Fox News

When communist applauding White House staff want to silence a news entity such as Fox News, take notice. Let the Iranian election protests and the death of one of their own in the streets, and one-sided propaganda media along with complete internet shutdown, be a warning to us here in this country. And hopefully, not a glimpse into our own future.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The demise of the dollar?

In a graphic illustration of the new world order, article claims that Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading.

CNN - In The Tank News

CNN "Fact Checks" SNL

This is what they choose to Fact Check. A SNL skit that finally, maybe, possibly, kinda sorta, makes Barry look bad.

WOLF BLITZER to the RESCUE - "....what they (SNL) are doing now is not necessarily all that kind" And the some 6+ years of George W. Bush skits, were......?

"Can one even imagine CNN fact checking any of the skits SNL on President Bush or Sarah Palin?? Heaven forbid SNL finally make fun of President Obama. CNN couldn't help themselves. They actually fact checked the jokes. "(CNN video on page) - Kathleen McKinley, ////
"CNN is worried (that) Saturday Night Live dared run a sketch mocking Obama as failing to deliver on any of his campaign promises. They then spend 4 minutes trying to say SNL is wrong...

First it's comedy, so fact checking it is silly. Second they fail to mention that the skit when through a list of about 20 promises Obama hasn't even sniffed at fulfilling.
It's not news, it's CNN..."

Monday, October 5, 2009

Have You Noticed?

Anyone remember during the Bush administration, how we were inundated by main stream media news outlets every single day with U.S. troop death counts in Iraq?

Leading up to the election, it was in full throttle. No support of what our U.S. men and women military personnel were doing over there, or why they were doing it. Just body counts.

These days you would think if you watch CNN, etc - from the silence, that everyone in Iraq must be sitting around now with picnic baskets and playing hopscotch.

What happened to the daily reports of what's going on in Iraq? Is it pure coincidence these reports seemed to come to a halt and utter silence, once Barry went into office?

What happened, MSM? What happened to the daily doom and gloom reports and counts? Why has this become such a non-issue, now? Why is it suddenly no longer newsworthy? I wonder why?????

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The World is not on the Kool-Aid

Obama's Olympic Failure Highlights Limits of His International Appeal

"It shows how childish our understanding of international affairs is," political analyst Tucker Carlson told FOX News. "The idea that countries, because they like the president personally, will change their basic positions on things is absurd." Countries act in their own interest, Carlson said, and U.S. elections don't affect what those interests are.

"So the idea that Obama, because he's popular in the rest of the world, will somehow make America a more effective negotiator internationally, that's absurd," he said. "That was one of the reasons people voted for this president in the first place. I thought it was silly then. It's proved to be silly now. This is an adult world. People don't act because they have affection for a leader."

Point, Tucker Carlson.

"It is totally bizarre that some people would put their personal hatred of President Obama above their loyalty to this country and actually cheer when the U.S. loses a bid to host the Olympics," foreign policy analyst Joseph Cirincione told in a phone interview from Switzerland. "To me it shows how obsessed some people are with the personality, the psychology of Barack Obama."

Really? I wonder if Joesph Cirincione realizes he just described Obama's entire fan base, er....supporters?

Friday, October 2, 2009


Obamas Fail in Personal Pitch to Bring 2016 Olympics to Chicago

Chicago ousted in first round of Olympic voting

The noble “sacrifice” of Michelle Obama; Update: Chicago & Tokyo eliminated

Thank you, Barry, Michelle, and Oprah - for that huge waste of two Presidential jet planes worth of tax payer money for your attempted Chicago corruption $$$ tour.

The big Os, get the big 0.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Die Quickly?

So the villainous Democratic Rep. from Florida, Alan Grayson, said the Republican health care plan is for sick people to "Die Quickly."

So, I was debating what the best response to this would be.

Option 1 - Find it ironic that this comes from a Pro-Abortion party. There's no quicker way of dying than before you're even born.


Option B - Democrats, meanwhile.....want people to READ QUICKLY.

I'll go with Option C. Both of the above.