Saturday, October 3, 2009

The World is not on the Kool-Aid

Obama's Olympic Failure Highlights Limits of His International Appeal

"It shows how childish our understanding of international affairs is," political analyst Tucker Carlson told FOX News. "The idea that countries, because they like the president personally, will change their basic positions on things is absurd." Countries act in their own interest, Carlson said, and U.S. elections don't affect what those interests are.

"So the idea that Obama, because he's popular in the rest of the world, will somehow make America a more effective negotiator internationally, that's absurd," he said. "That was one of the reasons people voted for this president in the first place. I thought it was silly then. It's proved to be silly now. This is an adult world. People don't act because they have affection for a leader."

Point, Tucker Carlson.

"It is totally bizarre that some people would put their personal hatred of President Obama above their loyalty to this country and actually cheer when the U.S. loses a bid to host the Olympics," foreign policy analyst Joseph Cirincione told in a phone interview from Switzerland. "To me it shows how obsessed some people are with the personality, the psychology of Barack Obama."

Really? I wonder if Joesph Cirincione realizes he just described Obama's entire fan base, er....supporters?