Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More Talking Out of Two Sides of his mouth....

Well he's at it again......

Today speaking at a Chamber of Commerce meeting, ol' BO pulled out his little line about parents turning off their TVs and put away the video games again, you know so we can make up for the crappy schools and uneducated teachers and government ciriculum....

He said this before earlier this year....


Now sure, in principle this is true. I can agree with that. There are some young parents out there that pay no attention to their children at all, but play games 24/7 or watch TV all day.

But then, there's the principle of who is saying this. What's ironic with his little "put away the video games" fast talk, is that ol' BO paid for advertisements during his Presidential campaign......IN VIDEO GAMES!!!

Well sunnuva gun. Who infiltrated XBOX 360s everywhere asking people to vote for you, then, Barack? Why did you pay for advertisements on video games?

How amazing.......so basically you are talking to your voters, then, I gather, right Barack? I mean, they're the ones that saw your ads and voted for you.



You know, actually, if more parents paid attention to what their kids are being taught in school, they might just discover all the left wing liberal crap that's being taught to them, and that might ruin the Democratic socialist agenda. Might want to rethink that, may ruin the little commies in training.