Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Public Protection or Political Gain?

Glenn challenges Connecticut's attorney general to identify law AIG executives broke in accepting bonuses...

“Because they are undeserving of it” - remember these frightening words. A motto of our new administration.

Why not just get him Netflix?

Been meaning to blog this but finally got around to it.

Obama Snubs Brown

"As he headed back home from Washington, Gordon Brown must have rummaged through his party bag with disappointment. Because all he got was a set of DVDs. Barack Obama, the leader of the world's richest country, gave the Prime Minister a box set of 25 classic American films - a gift about as exciting as a pair of socks."



The special relationship between the United States and England appears to be tensing if the actions of our respective leaders are anything to go by.

First, Obama sent back the bust of Winston Churchill which England loaned to us in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. They offered to let Obama hang on to it but were given a thanks but no thanks reply (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/barackobama/4623148/Barack-Obama-sends-bust-of-Winston-Churchill-on-its-way-back-to-Britain.html).

Add to this the recent visit of Prime Minister Brown. Obama canceled the press conference in Rose Garden because of "snow". It was replaced with a Oval Office questioning which surely left something to be desired by Brown (http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/toby_harnden/blog/2009/03/03/barack_obama_cancels_press_conference_with_gordon_brown_because_of_snow).

The gift exchange made things look even worse.

Mrs Brown, who has two boys, brought gifts for Michelle Obama's two girls. Mrs Brown got them, "Top Shop dresses (with matching necklaces) and a selection of books by British authors. Lovely." Michelle Obama in return got "two toy models of Marine One" for Mrs Brown's kids. It looks like Mrs Brown put some real thought into her gift and Michelle Obama forgot about getting a gift and sent a staffer to the White House gift shop. (More at http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5848073.ece)

What about the gift exchange between Barack Obama and Mr Brown? Mr Brown brought; "an ornamental pen holder made from the timbers of the Victorian anti-slave ship HMS Gannet - once called HMS President.

The unique present delighted Mr Obama because oak from the Gannet's sister ship, HMS Resolute, was carved to make a desk that already takes place in the Oval Office in the White House, after being presented by Britain to the US in 1880. ... Mr Brown also took to Washington a framed commission for HMS Resolute, a vessel that came to mark Anglo-US peace when it was saved from ice packs by Americans and given to Queen Victoria.

He also gave a first edition set of the seven-volume classic biography of Churchill by Sir Martin Gilbert."

In return, Barack Obama gave Mr Brown; "25 classic American films on DVD". Twenty-five films on dvds!?! As if it matters, but the movies that were included were "1. Citizen Kane / 2. The Godfather / 3. Casablanca / 4. Raging Bull / 5. Singing In The Rain / 6. Gone With The Wind / 7. Lawrence Of Arabia / 8. Schindler's List / 9. Vertigo / 10. The Wizard Of Oz / 11. City Lights / 12. The Searchers / 13. Star Wars: Episode IV / 14. Psycho / 15. 2001: A Space Odyssey / 16. Sunset Boulevard / 17. The Graduate / 18. The General / 19. On The waterfront / 20. It's A Wonderful Life / 21. China Town / 22. Some Like It Hot /
23. The Grapes Of Wrath / 24. ET: The Extra Terrestrial / 25. To Kill A Mocking Bird." (More at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1159627/Just-wanted-Barack-Obamas-blockbuster-gift-25-DVDs-Brown-reaffirm-special-relationship.html)

Some think the snub was intentional and orchestrated by Michelle Obama (http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/james_delingpole/blog/2009/03/05/was_lady_macbeth_behind_barack_obamas_snub_of_gordon_brown). Others think it is Barack Obama taking taking a personal vengeance against the British who he believes tortured his grandfather following the Mau Mau Uprising (British East Africa 1952-1960) (http://www.luoamerican.com/baldilocks/2009/03/vengeance-is-his.html).

What ever the reason, intentional or not, this could be trouble for the relationship between the US and UK.

But wait, it gets better!!! The DVDs don't even work! Apparently our great President doesn't know how video formats work, and that US dvds don't work in the UK...

"Gordon Brown is frustrated by 'Psycho' in No 10"

The films only worked in DVD players made in North America and the words "wrong region" came up on his screen.


Yes, and George W. was portrayed as the dumb one.

"Car Salesman in Chief"

The AutoExtremist writes Part 2 of his analysis of the current auto-industry situation.....keep checking the site, you'll be glad you did.



March 30, 2009

Obama weighs in, telegraphs bankruptcy for GM. Fiat's "deal" with Cerberus and Chrysler? It's still a giant "wait and see."

By Peter M. De Lorenzo

Detroit. President Obama made it very clear in his address to the nation this morning that he and his team had no intention of running GM and that they only had the best intentions in mind when it came to the future of the American automobile industry. He then went on to say, of course, that he had ordered the sacking of GM's Rick Wagoner and that a "quick rinse" bankruptcy could be the best way for GM to emerge a stronger and healthier company. Why he bothered to say that they had no intention of running GM while they in fact are running the company at this very moment is a little hard to understand, but the net-net of his message wasn't. And that is that he and his administration's brain trust are moving GM toward bankruptcy, but that it would be the "good" kind, meaning that the government would take the onus off of the word "bankruptcy" by guaranteeing people's warranties. He also made a pitch for how good current American cars are, which was all very interesting.

After arguing vehemently against bankruptcy for GM since last December, the President's speech this morning got me to shift my thinking. Why wait 60 days at all? Given that Obama and his crew are basically telegraphing the fact that they are going to move GM toward bankruptcy anyway, I recommend GM cut a deal with the Obama administration to go to bankruptcy immediately, with the following conditions: 1. Obama becomes "Car Salesman in Chief" and he and his wife participate in a one-hour infomercial that will tout American cars complete with proof points as to why they're worth buying. 2. The government guarantees warranties for all GM cars and trucks and makes sure every American knows it via "live" read advertisements at the end of Obama's weekly radio addresses. And 3. Offer $5,000 to every American who purchases a car assembled in North America (domestic or import).

Why screw around 60 days and miss the heart of the spring selling season? The Obama administration has made it very clear in that they will not rest until GM resembles exactly their vision for an American car company even though that beyond the usual smarmy platitudes, they haven't exactly been forthright in delineating what that is, but so be it. This way GM can go right down to two divisions - Cadillac and Chevrolet - with a couple of Buicks and GMC trucks thrown in for good measure, and we can get on with the future of the American automobile business, whatever form that takes, without the Obama administration hovering over GM's shoulder at every turn.

As for the Fiat-Chrysler-Cerberus deal, let's not carried away here, because there's a l-o-n-g way to go before we see a concrete plan emerge. I am quite certain of one thing, however, and that is that Chrysler is dead and buried one way or another, which is exactly what I've been saying for many months now, much to the chagrin of the Chrysler nostalgia buffs out there who equate me with being the anti-Christ. But the problems for this deal are deep and ugly. Chrysler is over-dealered by two-thirds, and that one issue alone is so fraught with peril that it could derail this deal right out of the blocks. Short of total capitulation - meaning an Obama-ized "clean" bankruptcy - Fiat-Chrysler doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of surviving, no matter how good the linguine tastes.

And so it goes.

Thanks for listening.

So it's "Rhetoric" now....

I see.

Obama team drops "war on terror" rhetoric


Good to know defending our great nation from terrorists and terrorists acts by taking the offensive, thanks to our men & women in the armed forces - is considered "rhetoric".

Just rhetoric. The United States of Alzheimers at it again, apparently.

The only "rhetoric" I see is the constant disrepectful B.S. spewed out by the media.

Monday, March 30, 2009

GM's Rick Wagoner is sent packing as President Obama opens a Pandora's Box of Not Good.

I knew no one could say it any better than the AutoExtremist, himself....


March 29, 2009

GM's Rick Wagoner is sent packing as President Obama opens a Pandora's Box of Not Good.

By Peter M. De Lorenzo


"Detroit. Tomorrow morning President Obama is expected to announce that GM (and Chrysler) will get additional emergency funding, while giving each company more time to achieve additional cuts with, in GM's case, its bondholders and the UAW. The President will also seize the moment to chastise the American automobile industry yet again, as if that will somehow make up for the missed opportunity that blew right by him when he failed to take swift enough action on the AIG mess. (By Monday morning, Obama's plans were emerging. GM would get 60 days to get its situation in order, Chrysler would get just 30 days, but only if it makes a deal with Fiat. It's clear that the Obama administration is pushing for a "quick-rinse" bankruptcy with government protection for consumers who buy vehicles from these manufacturers as part of the package.)

And as part of his "shared sacrifice" mantra that he's so good at relentlessly pounding into the American public while framing the domestic automobile industry as some sort of national scourge, Obama demanded and received a body - in this case the body of GM chairman and and CEO Rick Wagoner - so he could hold it up to the American public on one of his administration's custom-built chrome-plated pitchforks and say, "See, I'm doing what I promised! I am slaying the evil dragons of American corporate greed! I will reshape America into a kindler, gentler nation of group hugs while creating a more realistic and caring set of common corporate goals!"

And not only was an ugly precedent set, but America's future has just been turned dark by the realization that our government will not hesitate to reach into every available orifice - corporate or otherwise - and put their stamp on it if it doesn't quite conform to the Obama Administration's Shiny Happy Vision of what this country is supposed to be.

Contrary to the horde of instant pundit-experts out there who don't have the first clue as to what this industry is all about - or what it's like to actually work in this industry - Rick Wagoner was by no means the evil architect of GM's current predicament. Yes, Wagoner made some mistakes, and I have documented them long before the "Rick Wagoner Must Go" train left the pundit station. The Fiat adventure was disastrous, and Wagoner's initial reluctance to wrestle with GM's bloated structure proved costly. But Mr. Wagoner's most glaring failing really wasn't his at all, but rather it was that he was a product of GM's long corroded and obsolete cultural ideal that the people who run the company should only come from the financial office. This is nothing new it should be pointed out, because it has been part of the GM raison d'etre since the Alfred Sloan era. But it was Rick Wagoner's - and GM's - reality.

But there was another side to Rick Wagoner's tenure that the instant pundits out there either refuse to acknowledge - out of their out and out hatred for anything to do with GM and Detroit - or that they simply couldn't fathom because of their abject lack of experience or what is probably closer to the truth, their complete lack of understanding of how this business actually operates. And that is that if Rick Wagoner hadn't taken the aggressively decisive actions that he did take, GM would have been out of business years ago.

Wagoner's move into the Chinese market (a continuation of the doctrine laid out by his predecessor, Jack Smith) proved to be pivotal in providing a road map for the company's future. And Wagoner's insistence on utilizing and exploiting the global capabilities of GM's far reaching corporate empire, with forays into Korea, Brazil, Mexico and Eastern Europe, laid the groundwork for a completely modernized and globally competitive endeavor.

But Wagoner's most impressive move during his tenure was to recognize his own limitations as a financially-oriented leader, while at the same time setting his own ego aside in order to bring Bob Lutz into the company. Wagoner handed Lutz the keys to GM's woefully moribund product development system and said "Fix it," while giving Lutz carte blanche to do it. And the results were magnificent. During Wagoner's tenure - while benefiting from the vision, passion and sheer will to succeed that Lutz brought to the table - GM saw its greatest design, engineering and product era since its glory days of the 60s.

Down the road, long after the lynch mob hysteria subsides - and this administration's pitchforks have been hopefully melted down into brand spanking new American-made automobiles - Rick Wagoner's tenure will be judged more fairly and with the proper perspective. But until that time it must be said that the economic catastrophe that overwhelmed this country conspired to bring an entire foundation American industry to its knees, and there was no leader - socially "approved" or otherwise - who could have prevented GM and the rest of the domestic automobile business from collapsing.

Rick Wagoner and I had our run-ins (he didn't take too kindly to my early writings in Autoextremist.com, to put it mildly), and we've never had more than a passing conversational relationship at the countless car events over the years, but he's far from the ogre that his critics make him out to be. On the contrary, he is an exceedingly bright, gifted and personable executive who has ended up taking a bullet for the company that he has been a part of since 1977. And he did it in order to appease the overlords in the Obama administration so that the company he loved would live to fight another day. That says a lot about the measure of the man, in my book.

A pity I can't say the same for Mr. Obama and his posse. When I say that an ugly precedent has been set by the administration's blatant and meddlesome actions into corporate America - resulting in an executive actually losing his job - that is the understatement of this or any other year.

President Obama and the overlords in his administration have opened a Pandora's Box of Not Good by this action.

And by far the ugliest part about it?

No one has even the remotest of clues as to where or when it will stop.

Thanks for listening.

-Peter M. De Lorenzo"

Visit the AutoExtremist site any time you want the straight facts about what's really going on in the auto industry. The man has always been spot on and ahead of the news.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama's Teleprompter Has Its Own Blog

Check it out:


Read the blog of the now famous teleprompter of Barack Obama. aka TOTUS.


The Audacity Of It All

See, this is the kind of thing that really gets me hot under the prompter. I better get my 20% ... daddy needs a new set of rubber footies for the outdoor events.

I mean, hello, I'm writing the book as he speaks, for goodness sake. I have the pictures to prove it. And I have to say, I look pretty hot in this picture.

Gutter Ball on the Leno Lanes

So last night, Obama was campaigning again on the Tonight Show w/Jay Leno. Yes, even tho the election has been over....but I digress.



I am not one to be nitpicky, and obviously - the last thing I'm going to do is have a fit about something that isn't thought to be 'politically correct', as that's an epidemic that's become insanely out of control in today's society, and a major branch of the Double Standard that has come to being in this country.

But so here's what happened last night, Obama made an off the cuff joke that his bowling game was so bad, it was similar to the Special Olympics when he bowls. Funny? Sure. Of course seen as insensitive by some? Sure. I imagine it could be insulting to the Special Olympics.

But now here's why I chose to post about this. Because the double standard shows its ugly face again. I guess when "That One" says something like that, again, we are supposed to just laugh it off, say oh look he apologized, alright let's...once again, "Move On", right? But say anything about Obama........like That One. Or, talk about being a "Community Organizer", now THATS INSULTING. That insensitive Palin and that racist McCain.

Maybe it's just you're not allowed to say anything against the President, but the President can say stuff about you. Oh wait, Kanye West proved that's not true, either....must just be Obama.

Well, I guess this is why the teleprompter has to follow BO everywhere he goes. Otherwise, things just don't go so well.

The funniest thing about last night is Obama making the relation of being President, to being on American Idol, and everyone is Simon. I found that hilarious, considering I've called the entire election and his being elected, an American Idol election. I take that as a confession, he knows what happened. If only the rest of America would realize that.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Great Barney Elmer Fudd Frank

I give you, this once in a lifetime glance at a genius at work in Washington D.C. Feel privileged and honored. Yes my friends, this is one of Obama's current posse in Washington D.C., of whose hands our fate lies within.

Those whascally weepublicans causing twubble, I will whack dem whit my whavel.

Blame Me, We Didn't Do it, My Fault, Blame Me, It Wasn't Me But.....

The epitome of double talk.


"I know Washington's all in a tizzy and everybody's pointing fingers at each other and saying it's their fault, the Democrats' fault, the Republicans' fault. Listen, I will take responsibility. I'm the president," Obama said Wednesday at the town hall meeting in Costa Mesa, California.

But the president's mea culpa wasn't all encompassing.

"We didn't draft these contracts," he said. "We've got a lot on our plate. But it is appropriate when you're in charge to make sure stuff doesn't happen like this. So for everybody in Washington who's busy scrambling to try to figure out how to blame somebody else, just go ahead and talk to me, because it's my job to fix these messes even if I don't make them."

I'm sorry, what? What was that last part? Even if you don't make them?

Those comments, said economist Peter Morici, were hardly apologetic.

"I think frankly it's a disingenuous comment because he isn't doing very much about the problem, and after all it was the White House that leaned against Sen. Dodd regarding that amendment in the stimulus package," said Morici, a professor of international business at the University of Maryland and the former chief economist at the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Stephen Hayes, a CNN contributor and columnist for the conservative magazine The Weekly Standard, also wrote off Obama's words as "phony."

"He tried to take responsibility for it, but then he followed that up immediately by saying, look, we didn't write these contracts. I didn't create this mess. So, it felt a little bit like phony responsibility to me," he said.

Obama's remarks followed denials from Dodd that he had anything to do with the controversy and assurances from Obama's economic advisers that they had no control over AIG's bonuses.

Now, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is facing criticism from some Democrats and calls from some Republicans to step down, and the Obama administration is left with yet another bump on the road to restoring public confidence in government.

In Obama's case, "blame me" is political code for "move on," said Candy Crowley, CNN's senior political correspondent.

Right, of course. That's the alma mater of the left side. If it's the right side, aka Bush, attack him until you are blue in the face, get your lynch mobs and pitchforks and call for his ousting. But if it's Obama......just move on.

The Economy, Stupid...

Duke Coach to Obama: Worry About the Economy, Not NCAA Picks


" 'Somebody said that we're not in President Obama's Final Four, and as much as I respect what he's doing, really, the economy is something that he should focus on, probably more than the brackets,' Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski said from the Blue Devils' first-round site in Greensboro, N.C."

Way to go, Coach! Go Duke!

Of course, the MSNBC smear machine immediately goes to work going after the Coach. If you say anything against Obama, prepare to have your life history smeared by MSNBC.


Dodd admits to role in AIG loophole

(CNN) -- After denying having anything to do with crafting language in the stimulus bill that allowed bailed-out insurance giant American International Group to keep its bonuses, Sen. Christopher Dodd admitted that he and the Treasury Department were responsible for the loophole.


Well, I'm shocked that CNN actually ran this story, at all......but I guess it's not exactly anti-Obama so it made it through. I guess CNN doesn't realize that the administration that pressured the bill thru was the Obama administration....wonder how long til they take the article down once they figure that out.

However, I realize why they ran this story, because on TV the banner at the bottom reads "CNN Solves Bonus Mystery", so they are trying to take credit for discovering this. Really??? Nevermind the fact, FoxNews and Sean Hannity, etc - ran it all day yesterday.

Michelle Malkin also blogs on this little gem of a confession.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Teleprompters Gone Wild!

Great, now Obama is talking to himself....

Obama Thanks Himself, Irish PM Repeats Speech in Teleprompter Meltdown

Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen reads word for word a speech that Obama had just read from a teleprompter, while the president apparently thanked himself for the invitation.



Where are the videos of this? Is the press witholding these tapes? You know, the same ones of George W. that would immediately seem to make all of the syndicated news and late night television talk shows?

Post: Edit - Apparently Charles Barkley and Barack Obama share something in common. They both just read off teleprompters. I believe it could also constitute you as a dumbass as well, if you thank yourself for throwing a party and then realize you're reading the Prime Minister's speech.

(This was classic by the way...very funny....sorry there, Sir Charles, but this comparison is just too good to pass up)

Yes, because ACORN is so trustworthy....

ACORN to Play Role in 2010 Census

The U.S. Census Bureau is working with several national organizations to help recruit 1.4 million workers to produce the country's 2010 census, including one with a history of voter fraud charges: ACORN.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

He's Still Campaigning

For President Obama, it's Politics Over Principles

Glenn Beck on Monday's show (click for transcript) makes some great comments on Obama's 180 degree turn in regards to the economy....making statements similar to what he bashed McCain for making during the election.

And now BO goes on Jay Leno......because this is all he is. The campaign is over, Barack. Now you have to be an actual President. Are you going to keep campaigning the next 4 years using teleprompters and talk shows????

It's all about the show. How long can this charade go on before people see thru it and realize......he must've simply stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

"Since we met President Obama he has already been compared to JFK, FDR and Lincoln. Maybe he's now moving on to nominees, starting with John McCain. We can only hope he'll be Ronald Reagan for a few weeks." - Glenn Beck

Monday, March 16, 2009

AAA says gas prices may go up.....



And the question is, what's the excuse this time???

Bottom line, there is no other market, company, whatever - in the world....that we just accept so many off the wall excuses......as to why they are ripping us off, while making 10s of billions of dollars in profits, QUARTERLY.

Let me see if I can just start keeping track of the excuses.....

Excuse Tracker for reasons that gas prices increase:

1. Winter months, heating
2. Hurricane in Gulf of Mexico
3. Manufacturing demands by industrial nations, i.e. China
4. Americans and SUVs
5. Market speculation
6. March and April "pressures on refineries"
7. Tensions in Middle East
8. A whale died in the Atlantic
9. A turtle sneezed in the Pacific
10. Global warming
11. Pollen levels
12. Jupiter's red spot
13. The dog ate it.
14. Gas prices take a while to come down because the stations are still selling what they bought at the higher prices
15. Gas prices take no time at all to skyrocket overnight, because reason #14 doesn't apply the other way around.
16. Oil up to pay for alternative resource research
17. Because OPEC says so!
18. Did I forget any?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Air Pelosi

Pelosi Made Repeated Requests for Military Aircraft, Documents Show

The Double Standard - epidemic.

Hey, that's right.....you stupid pathetic American Auto-Industry CEOs, how dare you fly into D.C. on your corporate jet when making your case to Congress for bail out $!!!!

So sayeth Nancy Pelosi, Queen of Everything. Who certainly wouldn't waste tax payers money on flying herself, right?


Meanwhile....back at the ranch........

Representatives for Judicial Watch, which obtained e-mails and other documents showing the requests, say House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has treated the Air Force as her "personal airline."


Uh huh.

Moderate Taliban?

Obama's call on moderate Taliban useless - analysts


Reach out to moderate Taliban, Mr. Obama? Really???? Really?????

Should we meet with them? Shall I order pizza for this?

What the hell is a moderate Taliban? A moderate killer? A kinda killer?
Are those the ones that only blow up small buildings as opposed to skyscrapers?
Do they use prop planes instead of airline jets?

This is one, I just don't even know how to comment on........

More Talking Out of Two Sides of his mouth....

Well he's at it again......

Today speaking at a Chamber of Commerce meeting, ol' BO pulled out his little line about parents turning off their TVs and put away the video games again, you know so we can make up for the crappy schools and uneducated teachers and government ciriculum....

He said this before earlier this year....


Now sure, in principle this is true. I can agree with that. There are some young parents out there that pay no attention to their children at all, but play games 24/7 or watch TV all day.

But then, there's the principle of who is saying this. What's ironic with his little "put away the video games" fast talk, is that ol' BO paid for advertisements during his Presidential campaign......IN VIDEO GAMES!!!

Well sunnuva gun. Who infiltrated XBOX 360s everywhere asking people to vote for you, then, Barack? Why did you pay for advertisements on video games?

How amazing.......so basically you are talking to your voters, then, I gather, right Barack? I mean, they're the ones that saw your ads and voted for you.



You know, actually, if more parents paid attention to what their kids are being taught in school, they might just discover all the left wing liberal crap that's being taught to them, and that might ruin the Democratic socialist agenda. Might want to rethink that, may ruin the little commies in training.

Who Really Needs to be Worrying About The Financial System?

Rush Limbaugh in an TV interview had stated, that if Obama's policies are socialist agendas, then he wishes those policies to fail. If his policies are Regan policies, he'd wish him success.

Of course the liberal media misquotes this and says that he simply wants Obama to fail. And we lambast Rush.

But isn't it amazing that the entire Bush term, the Democratic Congress, the media, Hollywood, and democrats themselves, all wanted Bush to fail.....and explicity stated so....

So, that was ok. But it is not ok to wish that Obama fails.....even tho that's not really what Rush Limbaugh even said?

FoxNews on a 2006 poll.


Speaking of el Rushbo, he made a great analysis of ol' Barack's comments to the NY Times. I'll post a snipped here:

The president of the United States is not inspiring any confidence whatsoever. The only people being inspired are those who simply believe the words of Obama because he's Obama, the same people that voted for him, because there's certainly nothing of substance. Let's listen to a couple of sound bites. This is last Friday. Less than 90 minutes after Air Force One landed on the way back from Columbus, Ohio, President Obama called the New York Times about the interview he gave them earlier.

One of the things that he was upset about, they'd asked him about whether he was a socialist, and apparently his handlers thought that his answer wasn't any good, because he says, (paraphrasing) "I've been thinking about this socialist thing that you guys at the New York Times asked me about, and I thought you were joking, but if you were serious, I want to give you a serious answer to this." Clearly the accusation that he's a socialist is bothering him, and if you call a news agency back to try to set the record straight, in the first place he's the only guy that can get away with that, calling back, "By the way, I want to change what I said to you guys," da-da-da-da-da. If I tried something like that, "Uh-oh, uh-oh, we caught Limbaugh! Mr. Limbaugh called the New York Times back trying to change the record, but, a-ha, we've discovered that we hit a sore spot." It's not how it goes with Mr. Obama yet, but the New York Times reporter says, "So who's watch are we talking about here, sir, when it comes to this socialism business?"

OBAMA: By the time we got here, there already had been an enormous infusion of taxpayer money into the financial system, and the thing I constantly try to emphasize to people is that if coming in the market was doing fine, nobody would be happier than me to stay out of it.


OBAMA: You know, I have more than enough to do without having to worry about the financial system.

RUSH: Now, that's an inspiring thing to say. I have more than enough to do without having to worry about the financial system. This does not inspire confidence among people who listen to what this man says. This frightens them. This whole answer that he gave, "I constantly try to emphasize to people that, if coming in, the market was doing fine, nobody would be happier than me to stay out of it." The dirty little secret is, Mr. President, we had stimulated the banks. We stimulated Wall Street, and it didn't work. This is a question that I asked last Friday. Aren't we about out of time now? Don't we have enough evidence that these political solutions don't work? We bailed out General Motors. Their auditors are talking about bankruptcy. We bailed out Chrysler, ditto. We bailed out banks, they continue to go south, they continue to lose their share price. The New York Times has had to sell and buy back or done some maneuver with its own building today. Anything that we have touched, anything the US government's bailed out is not working: AIG, Citibank, Citigroup, whatever, any of these banks, the vast majority of them, not all, continue to have trouble.

All of this stimulus, quote, unquote, is not stimulating, it's not causing confidence. It's not creating confidence, it's not causing a rebound, it's not causing an uptick in any market indicator. And the president says, "You know, I have more than enough to do without having to worry about the financial system." Mr. President, the financial system is all there is right now to people. The financial system undergirds every other failure that's going on here, from the housing to the car industry to wherever you want to look. And then we hear that the president was too tired to give a proper welcome to Gordon Brown. Yeah, he didn't know that you have to have a joint press conference and maybe a state dinner the first time the leader comes to see you from your number-one ally. He was just overwhelmed, just too tired, so much going on, he had no idea. Well, what is that supposed to mean? Did we elect a kid here that has no executive experience at all, is that what we're now being told, that we elected a good-intentioned, a well-intentioned kid, a community agitator, he had no executive experience, and he's going to figure it out at some point, but don't hold it against him. He didn't know that these kinds of things are important. What do you mean, he didn't know? There's all kinds of protocol people in the White House.

Here's the next sound bite, Friday aboard Air Force One, a portion of the interview where President Obama is talking about the economy.

OBAMA: What I -- I don't think people should do is to suddenly stuff money in their mattresses and pull back, you know, completely from spending. I don't think that people should be fearful about our future.

RUSH: You don't think people should be fearful about the future? Well, they are. They are because they're losing it. They are losing their future each and every day, Mr. President. They see their future dwindling away and they're wondering how to save what's left. There's no inspiration coming from the White House on this. There's no motivation, there's no uplifting whatsoever. And, by the way, the last time a president said, "Go out there and spend, engage in commerce," it was George W. Bush, and the Democrat Party raked him over the coals for being insensitive.
