Monday, March 16, 2009
AAA says gas prices may go up.....,0,7691870.story
And the question is, what's the excuse this time???
Bottom line, there is no other market, company, whatever - in the world....that we just accept so many off the wall to why they are ripping us off, while making 10s of billions of dollars in profits, QUARTERLY.
Let me see if I can just start keeping track of the excuses.....
Excuse Tracker for reasons that gas prices increase:
1. Winter months, heating
2. Hurricane in Gulf of Mexico
3. Manufacturing demands by industrial nations, i.e. China
4. Americans and SUVs
5. Market speculation
6. March and April "pressures on refineries"
7. Tensions in Middle East
8. A whale died in the Atlantic
9. A turtle sneezed in the Pacific
10. Global warming
11. Pollen levels
12. Jupiter's red spot
13. The dog ate it.
14. Gas prices take a while to come down because the stations are still selling what they bought at the higher prices
15. Gas prices take no time at all to skyrocket overnight, because reason #14 doesn't apply the other way around.
16. Oil up to pay for alternative resource research
17. Because OPEC says so!
18. Did I forget any?