For President Obama, it's Politics Over Principles
Glenn Beck on Monday's show (click for transcript) makes some great comments on Obama's 180 degree turn in regards to the economy....making statements similar to what he bashed McCain for making during the election.
And now BO goes on Jay Leno......because this is all he is. The campaign is over, Barack. Now you have to be an actual President. Are you going to keep campaigning the next 4 years using teleprompters and talk shows????
It's all about the show. How long can this charade go on before people see thru it and realize......he must've simply stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
"Since we met President Obama he has already been compared to JFK, FDR and Lincoln. Maybe he's now moving on to nominees, starting with John McCain. We can only hope he'll be Ronald Reagan for a few weeks." - Glenn Beck