Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fairness Doctrine

There's been a lot of talk recently about the Fairness Doctrine, how it would take aim at radio talk show hosts like Sean Hannity and Rush has to wonder about the schmucks over at MSNBC. Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann would not only have to go off the air, but probably have to go kill themselves if they had to try to be neutral in reporting the news.

Daryl Hammond has this down, too good.

Speaking of Matthews and Olbermann - here's some good tv, where the two are at the Democratic National Convention, snapping at two girls fighting in highschool at the prom.....Good stuff.

Or this example, exemplifying the professionalism known as NBC.

Fairness doctrine? I say bring it on, so we can finaly say good riddance to MSNBC.

Why Not?

Change you can believe in. Can't have change with just moving around the same people into different chairs. Bring a fresh new look to Washington.

Well with all of Obama's staff hires, being former Clinton administration members...including now Hillary Clinton herself, as Secretary of State.....i wonder why we don't just go the whole 9 yards, and complete the package?

Come on, Barack. You know you want to. Make her......I dunno......Chief, or better yet Head, of Staff?

Thank you, I'm also here on Friday nights. Tell your friends, try the special, tip your server.

Al Sharpton - Enters the Double Standard

Al Qaeda earlier this week released a video, calling Barack Obama, etc - "House Negros".....the bombing and killings of these terrorists didnt spark the fire, but should they make a slur about Obama - the gloves are off now, it's on. These terrorists are now officially bad people. Al Sharpton has been all over the media, saying this is such a disgraceful thing Al Qaeda has said, like this is Don Imus or something. Is he going to call for Osama Bin Laden or Al-Zawahiri to be fired by Al Qaeda??? Otherwise we will boycott them or something? Perhaps we should force Al Qaeda to satellite radio?

But here's where Al Sharpton steps into the zone of the Double Standard.

Here we have ol' Al discussing his thoughts on Al Qaeda's comments: we have Al Sharpton in Tennessee over a year ago, talking about Condoleeza Rice and Colin House Negroes? Funny man this Sharpton.

Welcome to the Double Standard, Al. You and your buddy, Jesse "n-word using, cut Obama's nuts off" Jackson.

I Want To Sell You An Election!

Well, I said America got sold a car by a car salesman running for we drive this car known as our election off the lot, as is no warranty, looks like a dealership out there already picked up on it......

Who The Hell Knows?


Riddle me this, or riddle me that..........what do we know about this guy?

Here's a gumshoe epiphany by a couple members of the media........too late guys:

Our School System At Work


Nice one.

Michelle discusses a wonderful teacher brainwashing our kids....made Glenn Beck's show this afternoon.....

Way to make a little girl cry.....teacher of the year! Check with your kids if you have and find out what they are being, or have been, taught in class today.......

There is an update on this matter today, the superintendent is investigating.

Glenn Beck Transcript:

Amazing - Breaking News


Isn't it amazing, during the election, anytime the stock market even blinked - it was BREAKING NEWS on the news sites....STOCK MARKET DOWN 200 POINTS!!!
So now here we are after the election of the Messiah, and the stock market has crashed nearly 900 points in the past two days. It's down again today over 400 points.....

WHERE IS IT????? HELLO? CNN????? Breaking news - Obama to talk with Bush on Monday.

But how much would you bet that if it went UP 900 points, that'd be ALL OVER CNN.COM.....
Even tho, during the election, whenever the stock went up, you'd never know it on their website.
So, to me this means either two things:

1 - They don't want to discuss it because it would now look bad for Obama, so it's not newsworthy....just like everything else that was bad for Obama. Just ignore it.
2 - They are so busy kissing Obama's arse right now, that they aren't even watching the stock market.

It's either one or the other, CNN. Let us know, when you get the chance.

(Post:Edit - still nothin')

Election Reviewed


So let's sit back and revisit how this whole thing went down, shall we? Exactly how I projected it would go when I saw what the media was doing during the primaries, right from the start......

Back in the primaries - the liberal media decides that McCain, is the easiest of the Republican candidates to beat. He's way way up there in age, he's perfect to tie to George W. Bush, whom is hated and blamed for everything that happened during his administration.....and Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama should easily mop him up.

So, the media pumps McCain everywhere. McCain McCain McCain. This seems odd to me. Why is the media so positive and promoting this guy? I mean, CNN is all over McCain. They LOVE this guy. Get the senile old man elected. They tell us that since he leans more to the left than the other candidates, he'll appeal to the undecided and independents. No - what that will REALLY do is frustrate Republicans who will NOT vote for him, and decide to skip the election. And STILL lose the independents and undecided. Get him on the ticket!!!!!

Fred Thompson, couldn't get a mic in front of him. He couldn't get air time, if he ran into CNN with dynamite strapped to his chest. Why? Because he's got acting experience, is smart, has charisma and character, and has TRUE REPUBLICAN all over him. Ronald Reagan Part Deux. And that's like Freddy or Jason to a Liberal Democrat. He could handle Obama. Too well. That would be dangerous. So make sure he doesn't get the time of day.

Rudy - drown him, too. He's a 9/11 hero. A popular guy. And a super debater who holds no punches. Ignore him. Say he's losing and doesn't have a chance.

Mitt Romney, same thing. Hey he's too smart. Reganesque. He survived for a while, but in the end, lost, thanks to the same strategies. Huckabee, they loved to keep him in the race, because everyone knew Gomer Pyle hadn't a prayer to win, anyway.

So they get McCain elected. Obama pulls off the win, with liberal media turning on Hillary and helping Obama so bad that even Hillary is complaining.

Now it's Obama vs. McCain.

And what happens? Exactly like I the media turns on McCain and dumps him. The entire liberal media presses for Obama, hailing him as the second-coming, ignoring each and every issue that comes up about Obama's past like they are deaf.

Except Fox News, of course, but since they actually inquire on these issues like the press is supposed to do (I mean, at least they do when it comes to the right-wing candidates....) - then Fox News is called unfair. Pot calling the kettle black. Instead of admitting that the rest of us are unbalanced, we'll just say Fox is.

Then came Sarah Palin. Hooo boy!!!! That took the media by surprise, didn't it? You betcha!!! And did that ever piss them off!!!! We saw fangs and investigations by the left-wing media like we'd never seen before. One day after her announcement, they were IN ALASKA digging up dirt, trying to make a mockery out of her. They didn't have a fat folder all ready for HER......quick, get some dirt!!!! Hell, even her wardrobe is NEWSWORTHY!!! Not terrorist affiliations, or anti-american religious mentors, or socialist/marxist mentalities.....but Palin's wardrobe - THAT is NEWSWORTHY.

She provided a spark. The WHOLE PLAN was in jeapordy!!!! This isn't how the script is supposed to go.

But thankfully, they are saved by the stock market, which crashes, and gets Obama elected, along with all of his followers and new voters that voted, not at all because of the color of skin. Oh certainly not. Race is not an issue, here.

The Messiah is elected. And the press still goes after Palin.....they hate her so bad. They are still worried about 2012. The entire liberal media. Liberal entertainers. Hell, Chevy Chase - I love Chevy Chase. At least I did. He was so mad about Palin he wanted SNL to "destroy" her. Are you kidding me? Screw you, Chase. You give Chevy a bad name.

When the hell are the people of this country going to realize how persuaded they are by the media and entertainment industry? How the media, single-handedly, decided this ticket. And the outcome. The lemmings turned out in droves and voted. Until these people wake up and realize they are lemmings, just following everything the media tells them, and not what the media chooses not to tell them, we are in for one hell of a ride.

And I can't figure out if that's more embarrassing than scary, or more scary than embarrassing.

Barack Hussein Obama


Well, I'm back......sitting back and collecting my thoughts after watching American Idol last night, I'm sorry.....the Election. An election that was to not be decided on race, yet race and hatred (of Bush) were the two largest factors behind the votes that got him into office. I am so proud that over 95% of African Americans voted for Barack because of his economic policies and international strategies. And the youth of our country voted for him because of his many years of experience and achievements in his past. And if you believe that, well, odds are you probably do. All 52.33% of you. All 52.33% of you are smoking something, probably the same thing he is.

Yes, 95% of African Americans voted for Obama, but if you didn't vote for him, many got called a racist.

There's racism going on, alright. And they all voted him into office.

Anyway, in the meantime, on a lighter note - while listening to Obama's victory speech last night - I realized who he stole his slogan hadn't hit me until he repeatedly used it last night....over and over again.

As he repeatedly used his little catch phrase, "Yes we can". And the concert crowd admiring him with tears in their eyes (was Jesse Jackson crying because he wish he hadn't said he wanted to 'cut his nuts off'?), gazed upon their American Idol, chanting with him at the appropriate times, repeating the catch phrase, "Yes we can!".........I realized who he stole that from:

Well if it isn't Barry The Builder. It would figure Obama would use such a slogan, to appeal to the adolescent-minded zombies in this country, and that it would be such a huge success. Great campaign strategy......Not even Joe The Plumber could beat Bob The Builder.