Well, I'm back......sitting back and collecting my thoughts after watching American Idol last night, I'm sorry.....the Election. An election that was to not be decided on race, yet race and hatred (of Bush) were the two largest factors behind the votes that got him into office. I am so proud that over 95% of African Americans voted for Barack because of his economic policies and international strategies. And the youth of our country voted for him because of his many years of experience and achievements in his past. And if you believe that, well, odds are you probably do. All 52.33% of you. All 52.33% of you are smoking something, probably the same thing he is.
Yes, 95% of African Americans voted for Obama, but if you didn't vote for him, many got called a racist.
There's racism going on, alright. And they all voted him into office.
Anyway, in the meantime, on a lighter note - while listening to Obama's victory speech last night - I realized who he stole his slogan from......it hadn't hit me until he repeatedly used it last night....over and over again.
As he repeatedly used his little catch phrase, "Yes we can". And the concert crowd admiring him with tears in their eyes (was Jesse Jackson crying because he wish he hadn't said he wanted to 'cut his nuts off'?), gazed upon their American Idol, chanting with him at the appropriate times, repeating the catch phrase, "Yes we can!".........I realized who he stole that from:
Well if it isn't Barry The Builder. It would figure Obama would use such a slogan, to appeal to the adolescent-minded zombies in this country, and that it would be such a huge success. Great campaign strategy......Not even Joe The Plumber could beat Bob The Builder.