So let's sit back and revisit how this whole thing went down, shall we? Exactly how I projected it would go when I saw what the media was doing during the primaries, right from the start......
Back in the primaries - the liberal media decides that McCain, is the easiest of the Republican candidates to beat. He's way way up there in age, he's perfect to tie to George W. Bush, whom is hated and blamed for everything that happened during his administration.....and Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama should easily mop him up.
So, the media pumps McCain everywhere. McCain McCain McCain. This seems odd to me. Why is the media so positive and promoting this guy? I mean, CNN is all over McCain. They LOVE this guy. Get the senile old man elected. They tell us that since he leans more to the left than the other candidates, he'll appeal to the undecided and independents. No - what that will REALLY do is frustrate Republicans who will NOT vote for him, and decide to skip the election. And STILL lose the independents and undecided. Get him on the ticket!!!!!
Fred Thompson, couldn't get a mic in front of him. He couldn't get air time, if he ran into CNN with dynamite strapped to his chest. Why? Because he's got acting experience, is smart, has charisma and character, and has TRUE REPUBLICAN all over him. Ronald Reagan Part Deux. And that's like Freddy or Jason to a Liberal Democrat. He could handle Obama. Too well. That would be dangerous. So make sure he doesn't get the time of day.
Rudy - drown him, too. He's a 9/11 hero. A popular guy. And a super debater who holds no punches. Ignore him. Say he's losing and doesn't have a chance.
Mitt Romney, same thing. Hey he's too smart. Reganesque. He survived for a while, but in the end, lost, thanks to the same strategies. Huckabee, they loved to keep him in the race, because everyone knew Gomer Pyle hadn't a prayer to win, anyway.
So they get McCain elected. Obama pulls off the win, with liberal media turning on Hillary and helping Obama so bad that even Hillary is complaining.
Now it's Obama vs. McCain.
And what happens? Exactly like I the media turns on McCain and dumps him. The entire liberal media presses for Obama, hailing him as the second-coming, ignoring each and every issue that comes up about Obama's past like they are deaf.
Except Fox News, of course, but since they actually inquire on these issues like the press is supposed to do (I mean, at least they do when it comes to the right-wing candidates....) - then Fox News is called unfair. Pot calling the kettle black. Instead of admitting that the rest of us are unbalanced, we'll just say Fox is.
Then came Sarah Palin. Hooo boy!!!! That took the media by surprise, didn't it? You betcha!!! And did that ever piss them off!!!! We saw fangs and investigations by the left-wing media like we'd never seen before. One day after her announcement, they were IN ALASKA digging up dirt, trying to make a mockery out of her. They didn't have a fat folder all ready for HER......quick, get some dirt!!!! Hell, even her wardrobe is NEWSWORTHY!!! Not terrorist affiliations, or anti-american religious mentors, or socialist/marxist mentalities.....but Palin's wardrobe - THAT is NEWSWORTHY.
She provided a spark. The WHOLE PLAN was in jeapordy!!!! This isn't how the script is supposed to go.
But thankfully, they are saved by the stock market, which crashes, and gets Obama elected, along with all of his followers and new voters that voted, not at all because of the color of skin. Oh certainly not. Race is not an issue, here.
The Messiah is elected. And the press still goes after Palin.....they hate her so bad. They are still worried about 2012. The entire liberal media. Liberal entertainers. Hell, Chevy Chase - I love Chevy Chase. At least I did. He was so mad about Palin he wanted SNL to "destroy" her. Are you kidding me? Screw you, Chase. You give Chevy a bad name.
When the hell are the people of this country going to realize how persuaded they are by the media and entertainment industry? How the media, single-handedly, decided this ticket. And the outcome. The lemmings turned out in droves and voted. Until these people wake up and realize they are lemmings, just following everything the media tells them, and not what the media chooses not to tell them, we are in for one hell of a ride.
And I can't figure out if that's more embarrassing than scary, or more scary than embarrassing.