Isn't it amazing, during the election, anytime the stock market even blinked - it was BREAKING NEWS on the news sites....STOCK MARKET DOWN 200 POINTS!!!
So now here we are after the election of the Messiah, and the stock market has crashed nearly 900 points in the past two days. It's down again today over 400 points.....
WHERE IS IT????? HELLO? CNN????? Breaking news - Obama to talk with Bush on Monday.
Even tho, during the election, whenever the stock went up, you'd never know it on their website.
So, to me this means either two things:
1 - They don't want to discuss it because it would now look bad for Obama, so it's not newsworthy....just like everything else that was bad for Obama. Just ignore it.
2 - They are so busy kissing Obama's arse right now, that they aren't even watching the stock market.
It's either one or the other, CNN. Let us know, when you get the chance.
(Post:Edit - still nothin')