Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today In The Media.....

New York Headlines:

Rush Limbaugh on the Gibbs press conference:

Here's Gibbs, this is the best one. This is yesterday at the White House, Gibbs doing the press briefing and he had an exchange here with Chuck Todd of NBC and Bill Plante, CBS. Chuck Todd said, "Do you guys feel you owe folks in New York City this morning an apology for this incident having to do with the airplane that looks like Air Force One, with two fighter jets? There seemed to be a lot of panic."

GIBBS: I would contact the White House. I -- I -- I'd

PLANTE: The White House military --

RUSH: Hold it a second. Stop the tape and recue it. You are the White House! (laughing) The press secretary at the briefing room in the White House, which is in the West Wing, is telling the press to contact the White House.

GIBBS: I would contact the White House. I -- I -- I'd --

PLANTE: The White House military office won't tell us anything. They'll refer us to you.

GIBBS: Then let me go discuss with the White House military -- I don't -- I have seen some news reports, but I don't know. That's -- I have no information on this, what I saw --

TODD: The way this works, I'm just saying, appearance-wise, it's odd that you guys don't have a response. I mean this is the president's aircraft or what looks like the president's --

GIBBS: I -- I -- I was working on other things. I -- I -- you might be surprised to know I don't know every movement of Air Force One or what happens to it, but I will certainly talk to the military office.

RUSH: You certainly as hell know the days you're not going to be on it, and you know the days you are. Boy, I'll tell you this is buck passing like I have rarely ever seen it. I mean, folks, this plane doesn't go anywhere. These two 747s do not go anywhere without Barack Obama knowing about it or being on it because when they're gone, he can't take one, he cannot use one. He's got to know it's not available. I'm surprised Gibbs didn't say, "Well, we're looking into this now. We think that right-wing extremists who are returning from the war have taken the airplane up, we'll let you know."

RUSH: All right. Look, I'm sorry, folks, but I have to ask this question. Thanks for the call out there, Mike. I have to ask this question, because I'm not an idiot. You send a Boeing 747, which is Air Force One -- and either one or two, I'm not sure; I only saw pictures of one, but there might have been two F-16s, the escort jets. Presumably that's where the pictures were being taken, you know, the Air Force jet getting the view of Air Force One right in front of the Statue of Liberty and so forth. But you don't need to do that to get a picture of Air Force One near the Statue of Liberty. And furthermore, do they not have a picture of this 747 near the Statue of Liberty? They've probably got pictures of this Air Force One in Grand Canyon, you know, flying underneath the Golden Gate Bridge.

Well, not underneath, but, you know, they probably got... Why do you need 'em? (interruption) Now, wait a second. No, no. Stick with me on this, Snerdley. It had nothing to do with being Obama's plane. It's not as though you have to have publicity shots for Air Force One in order to sell tickets for people to ride it, because no matter what people do, they cannot get on Air Force One. So what does it really matter? Where is this PR photo going to be used? And to what purpose? You could do the same thing with Photoshop. You really could. You can accomplish the same thing with Photoshop. Now, you stop and think of this. We're all sitting here, and except for the people in lower Manhattan, people are laughing about this.

But you stop and think for a minute: Do you really believe that everybody involved had no idea that this would cause a panic? Do you really believe that everybody involved thought, "Big deal. We're going to go up there and get a photo-op in front of the statue. Nobody needs to know." Do we really believe that there's not one person in the chain of command that caused this event yesterday that didn't realize that a Boeing 747 at a thousand feet over Ground Zero was just going to be looked up at, "Oh, man, Mabel, look at that! Why, it's a little off course. I wonder what the president's doing?" Is that really the reaction people are just going to have? There's more to this than we know. I have no idea what. I'm just telling you the excuses that are coming out of this...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Plane Stupid!

Well's been a little bit. And to be honest, when starting this blog, I didn't realize how fouled up, comical, and full of double standards this new administration would be. There just isn't time to keep up. I may have to go with a weekly summary format here, soon, because otherwise I'd be talking on here all day, 24/7. So, there are a ton of things I will be discussing in a summary a bit later, but for right now....I want to talk about the Best of Barry so far this week.

First, we have yet another entertaining gaffe by our Teleprompter American Idol President. This is hysterical, a freakin' comedy skit. The man is a deer in headlights when the teleprompter goes boom. This is who we voted in.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch........ol' Barry's Air Force One is flying around with an F-16 in chase, buzzing the Manhattan skyline at if even 1000ft, making aggressive turns and freaking the hell out of NYC citizens, reliving 9/11. For a "photo-op" with the Statue of Liberty.

What kind of absolute idiots are running this country? Idiots that would not think, that such a manuever, without any warning to the public, in New York City, over Ground Zero of the 9/11 terrorist plane attacks, with a huge 747 Air Force One.....would cause mass hysteria and strike fear in so many citizens who had lived thru 9/11. Working in their office or cubicle. In a NYC skyscraper. Looking out the window and seeing this all over again?

And can we not add the Double Standard of the media had the Bush Administration done this? Can you imagine?

By the way, the official response now, is, that the White House didn't know this was going on. They're sorry about that, and it won't happen again. Oh well, ok then....let's all, "move on".

What is more frightening, that the people supposedly keeping us safe now, didn't know what the hell was going on with Air Force One over the NYC skyline? Or that they really did know, and didn't see an issue with this? Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs told the press to call the White House, when asked about the President's plane flying around Manhattan. Um, he is the White House spokesperson.

We won't even get into the cost of this 'photo-op'. And what the hell is the photo-op even for? I'm afraid to even ask. Has the Obama Administration never heard of Photoshop?

"Felony Stupidity", "borders on being either cruel or very, very stupid"

Couple videos, among many ou there on the 'net:

Who will Obama point the finger at this time, to avoid taking responsibility and being held accountable?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Obama DHS hit job on Conservatives

When does this Double Standard in America go too far? When this happens.

The Department of Homeland Security’s threat assessment on Rightwing Extremism irresponsibly links murderous hate-crime-committing white supremacists and homegrown terrorists like Timothy McVeigh, with rightwingers who have every right to oppose the federal government, abortion, and illegal immigration.

You are now no longer a U.S. citizen with a God-given right to defend your freedom of - now you are an EXTREMIST!!!! Even returning military personnel from Afghanistan and Iraq, should now be feared as an EXTREMIST!

CNN runs with the report, and of course uses a Nazi swastika flag photo for the article!

MM -

"What and who exactly are President Obama’s homeland security officials afraid of these days? If you are a member of an active conservative group that opposes abortion, favors strict immigration enforcement, lobbies to protect Second Amendment rights, protests big government, advocates federalism, or represents veterans who believe in any of the above, the answer is: You."

You Might Be A Radicalized Rightwing Extremist If....

The Obama DHS Hit Job On Conservatives

Malkin & Me

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jamie Foxx unleashes crude Miley Cyrus rant

ALRIGHT, LETS GO AL SHARPTON! Get on it, remember Don Imus, now. Let's do the right thing, demand Foxx apologizes, and demand that he is fired and banned from radio!!!! Boycott the sponsors. No double standards!

Jamie Foxx unleashes crude Miley Cyrus rant

"Foxx is heard saying: “Who is Miley Cyrus? The one with all the gums? She need to get a gum transplant!”

"Foxx suggested Miley do heroin, become a lesbian, make a sex tape and catch a sexually transmitted disease from her bicycle seat.

He had an in-studio posse laughing along with all of this, and one voice seemed to call Cyrus a "little white b----," which was a bit ugly." - NYDailyNews

Monday, April 13, 2009

New Appointed Member of the Administration?

Apparently, there's been another member appointed to the Obama Administration. I wonder if the bunny has paid his taxes the past 5-10 years?

Hopefully Barney Elmer Fudd Frank wasn't around yesterday, he's wabbit hunting.

(pssst..........just read the teleprompter.....)

How SEALs Carried Out Their Mission

A truly great day, yesterday, for our U.S. Navy, and the successful conclusion to the pirate/hostage situation.

Woman reportedly jumps into polar bear enclosure

See, this is the problem with our society, and why there are so many complete morons roaming about our streets and towns every day. Because we save them. Granted an accident is one thing, but if someone intentionally jumps in with a natural predator, and then, shockingly, gets mauled or attacked by said predator, science says the moron should cease to exist. This is how nature deals with species, that way only the intelligent section of that species carry on, and continue reproduction.

But instead, we get in the way of natural selection, and go to great lengths to rescue the moron....while having to consider shooting the animal, who is simply doing what its supposed to do....when a giant flapping sea mammal enters its environment....your rescue personnel then has to risk their own lives and well-being, to rescue said moron, and now said moron continues to exist....and walk amongst the population, and continue to breed.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Rove: Biden Is a 'Serial Exaggerator' and 'Blowhard',2933,513999,00.html

Megan Kelly's Interview w/Karl Rove:

Rove: Biden Is a 'Serial Exaggerator' and 'Blowhard'

ROVE: "I hate to say it, but he's a serial exaggerator. If I was being unkind, I'd say he's a liar. But it is a habit he ought to drop."

In regards to the bow to to the Saudi king, that wasn't a bow.....

ROVE: I mean, who do they think they're kidding? I mean, this is a bow to the waist. I mean, for them to say that this is -- he was holding both of the king's hands and bowing and lowering his head because the king is shorter than him -- he'd have to be talking to Tattoo from "Fantasy Island."

Glenn Beck: A Burning Question for President Obama

Glenn Beck: A Burning Question for President Obama
April 10, 2009

President Obama, apparently feeling like there's not very much on the country's "to-do list," is reportedly going to work on immigration reform later this year and hopes to create a path for the estimated 12 million illegal aliens in America to become legal.

What a sweet, sensitive guy he is.

But the one thing he's missing is that it would be a lot faster and easier to just set us all on fire at this point.

Let me show you what I mean:

$3.5 trillion budget; a budget where the only fat they cut out is national defense; growing Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid obligations where the best-case scenario is that we're on the hook for $53 trillion and the worst-case is that we're buried under $1.25 quadrillion in debt.

Overseas, Obama's apologizing to the Frenchy-French for American arrogance, bowing to Saudi Arabia's king and — I almost forgot — closing Gitmo and potentially letting terrorists onto the streets.

Also, on the island of Cuba, the Congressional Black Caucus met with Fidel Castro to try to fix U.S.-Cuban relations, something that would give their tourism industry a billion-dollar boost. And it's no wonder that Illinois Democrat Bobby Rush said about the meeting, "It was almost like listening to an old friend."

And what a friend he's been, especially to his own people. Under the Castro brothers, 93 percent of the Cuban labor force works for the state, with the average worker making a whopping $9 a month; there are also — according to the United Nations — seven abortions for every 10 babies born in Cuba. Sure sounds like a family vacation destination to me!

President Obama now also wants to legalize illegal aliens, at a time when the unemployment rate is 8.5 percent and the underemployment rate is 15.6 percent. It's hard enough for Americans to find a job, without being forced to compete with a whole new crop of workers.

And let's not forget the U.S. military report that Mexico is as likely to collapse as Pakistan. Between amnesty and chaos, clearly I'm crazy to think that anyone would run for the border.

President Obama, why don't you just set me on fire right now? At least we'd get it over with.

If I burned off my fingers, I might qualify for some aid. Now that is progressive thinking.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

El Rushbo on the Castro Caucus



BOBBY RUSH: He was a down-to-earth kind of man who I thought resembled someone who I would say is as close as a neighbor -- and he had a very modest home. And we were met in the front door by his lovely wife. So it was almost like visiting an old friend, uh, when we visited with him. He wanted to know more about Dr. King. I told President Castro that in my household, he is known as the ultimate survivor.

RUSH: He's the ultimate survivor. Against what? Us! That's right, the evil United States. The evil United States has targeted Fidel Castro. "He's... He's... Why, he's an angel! Why, he has successfully stood up to the bigots and the racists that have led the United States all of these years. He just lives in a modest home. His wife answered the door! Why, we felt like we were right at home." He lives in a modest home? He probably has some little guest cottage somewhere on the presidential grounds that he moved into for this meeting. You gotta think Castro just laughs himself silly when these guys show up. He's got 'em wrapped around his little finger. He wanted to know about Dr. King. Fidel Castro wanted to know more about Dr. King. He could play these guys like a Stradivarius. Up next is Representative Laura Richardson, who is a Democrat from California.

RICHARDSON: What really was amazing to me as he leaned in, he looked directly into our eyes -- uh, quite aware of what was happening, and said -- and said to us, how can we help? "How can we help President Obama?" He talked about the fact that he had watched the campaign. You know, for people who seem to think that in Cuba people don't have shoes, they don't have jobs, they don't have ice cream --I mean, these people are living and working and participating as we -- as many -- in fact, some were even in a better situation than in some portions of my district.

RUSH: He wants Obama to succeed! Fidel Castro, noted communist dictator of Cuba, went on record with the CBC saying he wants Obama to succeed! Well, who doesn't? The Islamists want Obama to succeed. Who doesn't want him to succeed? "He talked about the fact that he had watched the campaign. For some people who seem to think that in Cuba people don't have shoes, they don't have jobs, they don't have ice cream; I mean, these people are living and working and participating as we -- in fact, some were even in a better situation than in some portions of my district." Well, that, folks, tells you all you need to know: that Laura Richardson thinks that people in Cuba have it better off than some people who live in her district. (interruption)

I guarantee you, she does. I guarantee you, she believes every word of it. Snerdley, you know, you're going to have to back off and stop saying some of these people are just, you know, very, very clever tricksters. She believes it! Barbara Lee believes this is an oppressor nation and Cuba is not. We've got a bipolar country. We have people in this country who genuinely think they are still enslaved, that they are oppressed, that Cuban people have it better off than some in her own district. Whose fault is that? Whose fault is it, Miss Richardson? You've been representing them. You got all this money in Washington supposedly going back to these districts. How in the hell can this be?

These people in your district have been voting Democrat all of their lives! How can it be that people in Cuba are better off than some people in your district? Do you realize what an insane thing that is to say, even if it were true how insane it is? It's her district. She's a Democrat. All of her voters are Democrat. They've been voting Democrat for all their lives. They've been expecting all these goodies to come to their district from Washington to lift them out of this so-called squalor, and she takes pride in saying that people in Cuba, some of them she saw have it better off than people in her own district? We got more on this, but the real star of this show is Barbara Lee, who is from Oakland? From Oakland? She's a true...I mean, you're looking here at a blithering idiot -- a profound, supreme leftist, whatever you want to call them.

Obama Apology Tour Highlights

Obama tells world America is not a Christian nation

Obama Bows to Saudi King.....

but now White House aide denies it was a bow......"He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah"

White House Claims Obama Didn't Bow to King

Meanwhile, in Cuba....

Several dolts who call themselves Congressmen and Congresswomen meet with Fidel Castro and gush over what a wonderful meeting they had with Mr. Freakin' Fred Fidel Castro Rogers, one considers him a survivor, how wonderful he and his wife are, and how Fidel wants to know how he can help Obama?

"But, what really was amazing to me was he leaned in, he looked directly into our eyes, quite aware of what was happening and said to us, 'How can we help? How can we help President Obama?" said Richardson.

"I think that what really surprised me, but also endeared me to him, was his keen sense of humor, his sense of history and his basic human qualities," Rush said.

What??? Only 79 days into Obama's presidency, and already, the expression "WTF?" doesn't even seem sufficient enough.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Harvard Student vs. Barney Elmer Fudd Frank

(.....I gladly take the opportunity/excuse to go back and enjoy the O'Reilly grilling of Fudd Frank)

Dashboard Obama

On Sale Now at the Glenn Beck Studio Store!

Dashboard Obama

You can now make Obama your co-pilot with this miniature bobblehead version of our great leader! Put dashboard Obama in front of a teleprompter and it will make just as many inexplicable decisions as the real thing

Newsweek: The End of Christian America?

The percentage of self-identified Christians has fallen 10 points in the past two decades. How that statistic explains who we are now—and what, as a nation, we are about to become.

By Jon Meacham | NEWSWEEK



Interesting read regarding Comrade Obama's "Apology Tour", featuring the disclaim of our country's Judeo-Christian heritage.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Super O & The Shaping of the U.S.

In talking to the troops in Iraq -

“It’s important for us to use all of our influence to encourage the parties to resolve these issues in ways that are equitable. I think that my presence here can help do that,” - Obama

Well thank God YOU showed up, to save them all.


“We will convey,” said Barack Obama to the Turkish Parliament Monday, “our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”

Really? I assume by shaping the United States, you mean as in how it reshaped our Manhattan skyline? Or was that not the country of yours you were specifically referring to?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sounds like a fool-proof plan to me!!!!

Bipartisan Call for Obama to Reverse Missile Defense Cuts

Why sure, I mean.....when North Korea starts launching missiles.....and Iran has acquired nuclear reactors....really, what better time is there to reduce the budget on our missile defense system?

Obama Cutting The F-22?

This is worse than Clinton and the SR-71. This is insane. But are we surprised?

The Apology Tour: Will It Ever End?

When will Obama's "America The Arrogant, We're Sorry" international tour, end?

Oh wait...right after he's done bowing to the Saudi Arabian king.....

The Epitome of the Double Standard

(the awesome lemmings logo courtesy of Michelle Malkin)

It amazes me everytime I see comments like this......

"Shockingly, a purportedly conservative website, Culture11, is disseminating yet another Tea Party smear — that the movement is racist":

When Are White People Going To Stop Waiting For A Handout?
By Kris Broughton

They revolt. Secede. Take other people’s property and rename it as their own. Shoot a few folks if they get in the way. Which is how you get British colonies that become the United States of America.

Or, in its most recent incarnation, “We Surround Them”, or these infamous “Tea Parties” that are supposed to be taking place all over the country, a small but determined fragment of America’s white population, along with their favorite token minority self hate monger, Michelle Malkin, have decided that they are tired of their values and their way of life being rejected by the government, and the rest of the public that doesn’t agree with them. They are ready to “take back the country.”

When, oh when are these white people going to stop waiting for somebody to give them something?

Oh well. I guess I’ll be turning on the TV in a few minutes to see yet another privileged group of white men, who insist they they and they alone are entitled to hold the opinions that count on the economy, the government, and the president.

It’s only a matter of time before this bunch starts whining about losing its lack of influence.

Racism. This keeps being brought up by one side, over and over. The same side that will accuse you of racism at the drop of a hat.

This my friends, the epitome of the Double Standard in America.

Take if you will, this issue that was brought up by a member at the 9-12 project, and was discussed for a bit. A fascinating comment that was the absolute same for so many across the country. The comment was that the member noticed that during the election, if you said you weren't voting for Obama, you'd immediately get, "Why because he's black?' and you were depicted as a racist. How many of you got this same reaction or at least felt the same way, that you'd be seen as such, should you state you were not voting for him?

She hit on a very important point........if you did not vote for Obama, you were labeled racist. But here's what I found interesting, as with everything, normally those who accuse someone of something are normally guilty of that very same offense, themselves.

Interestingly enough, if you look at the exit polls, 95% of black voters voted for Obama. 95%. That my friends, is racism. They voted for Obama because of the color of his skin. Period.

Those votes were based on race. Not on policies or principles. While you voted based on policies and principles, they did not. But you, of course, were accused of racism. Oh, but not the other way around. No way.

I went the other way - I would ask Obama supporters, WHY, are you voting for him? I had no problems w/those who voted for Obama. If they were making educated votes. The ones I had a problem with were the ones voting for him, with no real reason why. i.e. uneducated blind votes. That, unfortunately, was pretty much all of them. Other than either because of his skin color, or simply because of Bush Hate.

I generally got the same responses. Because Bush has to go! Because we need change! etc etc. When I would ask about policies and experience and actual real items one would consider when contemplating whom they'd vote for.......a general blank stare, or hollywood rah-rah empty response would be all I'd get.

So......cliff notes version, this member was not alone in the responses she would get. 2008 was an American Idol election, full of double standard. 95% of black voters voted for the black candidate based on the color of his skin. And white Obama voters voted for him based on Bush Hate, and acted as pure lemmings, just going with the popular flow. Don't think for yourself, vote for Obama 'cause everybody's doin' it. Plain and simple. Don't be a racist.

Friday, April 3, 2009

It's Getting Nasty In The White House

White House Corrects Conference Call Number After Directing Reporters to Sex Line

In a press release, the White House accidentally listed a phone sex number for journalists seeking an "on-the-record briefing call with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and National Security Advisor Jim Jones to discuss the NATO summit."

Journalists seeking to talk a little foreign policy with high-profile Obama administration officials live from the G20 meetings in London this week were solicited for phone sex instead after ringing up the toll-free number given by the White House.

In a press release, the White House accidentally listed a sex line number for journalists seeking an "on-the-record briefing call with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and National Security Advisor Jim Jones to discuss the NATO summit."

But after dialing, a soft-voiced female recording that was clearly not Clinton asked for a credit card number if you "feel like getting nasty."

After several efforts to make sure that the phone number was correctly dialed, a call to the White House resulted in a corrected press release. "If you are having trouble dialing into the call, please try this number as an alternative," and listed the international line included for reporters abroad to dial.

By this time, the conference call was already under way.

Asked for comment about this mishap, Deputy White House Press Secretary Bill Burton responded: "A corrected phone number on a press release is probably one of the stupider things FOX News has covered lately."

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Double-Standardization Of Double Standards

"The president is telling Detroit to shape up or die while at the same time politely asking Wall Street, whose recklessness and greed caused this economic crisis, if it would be so kind as to accept another heaping helping of taxpayer funds."

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ah yes, the double standard....

Hey, did you hear about Joe Biden's daughter? No, probably not. Thus my point.
Do we remember the hell that Sarah Palin was put through, as well as her daughter, Bristol Palin.......who was taken and thrown to the wolves in a public humiliation tactic during the election????? Let alone the media immediately throwing up unfounded and quite dispicable rumors as well before even taking the time to do some fact checking.....

Yes, now compare that to the "other" Vice President...and his daughter......what is that sound that I hear? Is that the sound of crickets from our wonderful media outlets????

In case you MISSED IT......

Washington lawyer Thomas Dunlap is under fire for attempting to sell a video of Ashley Biden, the 27-year-old daughter of Joe Biden, allegedly snorting lines of cocaine at a Delaware party last month.

The New York Post claims that Dunlap showed it 90 seconds of the 43-minute tape, which purportedly shows Ashley doing lines of coke with a red straw in front of witnesses and later shouting "Shut the F-- Up!"

Amazing, a search on MSNBC....comes up with nothing......

Your query - ashley biden - did not match any documents.

Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords.
Try more general keywords.
Try fewer keywords.

perhaps Olbermann and Matthews are in the pangs of passion right now with thrills up their legs watching the G20 and missed this story.....

Woman to 911: Help! I'm locked inside my car

Here is a typical registered voter in action. If this is indeed true, and not an April Fools joke, so far it appears to be legit, then place your bets, you know who my money is on whom she voted for in November.

911 Audio:,0,574765.mp3file

Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
9:45 AM EDT, April 1, 2009
A 911 dispatcher had to tell a woman how to unlock her car on Sunday.

A woman called Kissimmee police to say she was locked inside her car at the Walgreen's on John Young Parkway near Poinciana.

"My car will not start. I'm locked inside my car," the unidentified woman said.

"Nothing electrical works. And it's getting very hot in here, and I'm not feeling well."

The dispatcher asked the woman if she was able to manually pull the lock up on the door.

The woman said she would try, and then, she said, "Yes, I got the door open."