Well folks.......it's been a little bit. And to be honest, when starting this blog, I didn't realize how fouled up, comical, and full of double standards this new administration would be. There just isn't time to keep up. I may have to go with a weekly summary format here, soon, because otherwise I'd be talking on here all day, 24/7. So, there are a ton of things I will be discussing in a summary a bit later, but for right now....I want to talk about the Best of Barry so far this week.
First, we have yet another entertaining gaffe by our Teleprompter American Idol President. This is hysterical, a freakin' comedy skit. The man is a deer in headlights when the teleprompter goes boom. This is who we voted in.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch........ol' Barry's Air Force One is flying around with an F-16 in chase, buzzing the Manhattan skyline at if even 1000ft, making aggressive turns and freaking the hell out of NYC citizens, reliving 9/11. For a "photo-op" with the Statue of Liberty.
What kind of absolute idiots are running this country? Idiots that would not think, that such a manuever, without any warning to the public, in New York City, over Ground Zero of the 9/11 terrorist plane attacks, with a huge 747 Air Force One.....would cause mass hysteria and strike fear in so many citizens who had lived thru 9/11. Working in their office or cubicle. In a NYC skyscraper. Looking out the window and seeing this all over again?
And can we not add the Double Standard of the media had the Bush Administration done this? Can you imagine?
By the way, the official response now, is, that the White House didn't know this was going on. They're sorry about that, and it won't happen again. Oh well, ok then....let's all, "move on".
What is more frightening, that the people supposedly keeping us safe now, didn't know what the hell was going on with Air Force One over the NYC skyline? Or that they really did know, and didn't see an issue with this? Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs told the press to call the White House, when asked about the President's plane flying around Manhattan. Um, he is the White House spokesperson.
We won't even get into the cost of this 'photo-op'. And what the hell is the photo-op even for? I'm afraid to even ask. Has the Obama Administration never heard of Photoshop?
"Felony Stupidity", "borders on being either cruel or very, very stupid"
Couple videos, among many ou there on the 'net:
Who will Obama point the finger at this time, to avoid taking responsibility and being held accountable?