Thursday, April 9, 2009

El Rushbo on the Castro Caucus



BOBBY RUSH: He was a down-to-earth kind of man who I thought resembled someone who I would say is as close as a neighbor -- and he had a very modest home. And we were met in the front door by his lovely wife. So it was almost like visiting an old friend, uh, when we visited with him. He wanted to know more about Dr. King. I told President Castro that in my household, he is known as the ultimate survivor.

RUSH: He's the ultimate survivor. Against what? Us! That's right, the evil United States. The evil United States has targeted Fidel Castro. "He's... He's... Why, he's an angel! Why, he has successfully stood up to the bigots and the racists that have led the United States all of these years. He just lives in a modest home. His wife answered the door! Why, we felt like we were right at home." He lives in a modest home? He probably has some little guest cottage somewhere on the presidential grounds that he moved into for this meeting. You gotta think Castro just laughs himself silly when these guys show up. He's got 'em wrapped around his little finger. He wanted to know about Dr. King. Fidel Castro wanted to know more about Dr. King. He could play these guys like a Stradivarius. Up next is Representative Laura Richardson, who is a Democrat from California.

RICHARDSON: What really was amazing to me as he leaned in, he looked directly into our eyes -- uh, quite aware of what was happening, and said -- and said to us, how can we help? "How can we help President Obama?" He talked about the fact that he had watched the campaign. You know, for people who seem to think that in Cuba people don't have shoes, they don't have jobs, they don't have ice cream --I mean, these people are living and working and participating as we -- as many -- in fact, some were even in a better situation than in some portions of my district.

RUSH: He wants Obama to succeed! Fidel Castro, noted communist dictator of Cuba, went on record with the CBC saying he wants Obama to succeed! Well, who doesn't? The Islamists want Obama to succeed. Who doesn't want him to succeed? "He talked about the fact that he had watched the campaign. For some people who seem to think that in Cuba people don't have shoes, they don't have jobs, they don't have ice cream; I mean, these people are living and working and participating as we -- in fact, some were even in a better situation than in some portions of my district." Well, that, folks, tells you all you need to know: that Laura Richardson thinks that people in Cuba have it better off than some people who live in her district. (interruption)

I guarantee you, she does. I guarantee you, she believes every word of it. Snerdley, you know, you're going to have to back off and stop saying some of these people are just, you know, very, very clever tricksters. She believes it! Barbara Lee believes this is an oppressor nation and Cuba is not. We've got a bipolar country. We have people in this country who genuinely think they are still enslaved, that they are oppressed, that Cuban people have it better off than some in her own district. Whose fault is that? Whose fault is it, Miss Richardson? You've been representing them. You got all this money in Washington supposedly going back to these districts. How in the hell can this be?

These people in your district have been voting Democrat all of their lives! How can it be that people in Cuba are better off than some people in your district? Do you realize what an insane thing that is to say, even if it were true how insane it is? It's her district. She's a Democrat. All of her voters are Democrat. They've been voting Democrat for all their lives. They've been expecting all these goodies to come to their district from Washington to lift them out of this so-called squalor, and she takes pride in saying that people in Cuba, some of them she saw have it better off than people in her own district? We got more on this, but the real star of this show is Barbara Lee, who is from Oakland? From Oakland? She's a true...I mean, you're looking here at a blithering idiot -- a profound, supreme leftist, whatever you want to call them.