Obama tells world America is not a Christian nation
Obama Bows to Saudi King.....
but now White House aide denies it was a bow......"He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah"
White House Claims Obama Didn't Bow to King
Meanwhile, in Cuba....
Several dolts who call themselves Congressmen and Congresswomen meet with Fidel Castro and gush over what a wonderful meeting they had with Mr. Freakin' Fred Fidel Castro Rogers, apparently...how one considers him a survivor, how wonderful he and his wife are, and how Fidel wants to know how he can help Obama?
"But, what really was amazing to me was he leaned in, he looked directly into our eyes, quite aware of what was happening and said to us, 'How can we help? How can we help President Obama?" said Richardson.
"I think that what really surprised me, but also endeared me to him, was his keen sense of humor, his sense of history and his basic human qualities," Rush said.
What??? Only 79 days into Obama's presidency, and already, the expression "WTF?" doesn't even seem sufficient enough.