Thursday, August 13, 2009

Health Care Bill Figured Out!

You.......You're Good, Barry! You're good!!!!

This health care reform bill has been told that, while ridiculously costly to put in place, will in turn save us a few billion down the road, as well as stimulate the economy and create jobs. I get it, now. I see what Barry's plan is, you sneaky guy're a genius!

You see, it WILL save us money. Because that's what this bill is really all about. Reducing cost of national health care. Not really about controlling cost of the private system, but just reducing cost, yet promoting it by claiming its purpose is to get everyone health care insurance, including those who don't have any right now. Think about it - with the end of life counseling and the deterance of spending $ on our seniors.....and further along down the road all those who approach and become part of the cutoff see, all those people simply WON'T GET MEDICAL TREATMENT. Think of ALL THE MONEY WE WILL SAVE!!!! I mean, who cares about lives and stuff, but we'll be SAVING MONEY by simply NOT TAKING CARE OF THEM! Wow, awesome!

And you see - this WILL stimulate the economy, and create jobs - because the FUNERAL HOMES and CEMETARIES will be BOOMING WITH BUSINESS!!!! Just imagine all the JOBS this is going to create, we're gonna have to hire a ton of limmo drivers and build more funeral homes, which WOW that will even get the real estate and construction market BOOMING!

Barry -'re good!!!! Pure genius. I don't know what took so long to see the light!