The Obama administration has launched a new Web site to battle what it calls "wild rumors" about the health care reform plans being pushed through Congress -- including an invitation for the public to tattle on any other "myths" they come across.
The new "Reality Check" site features a half-dozen alleged rumors about health care reform, responding to them with videos of top aides rebutting them.
.....the Patriot Act chicken-little lefties continue to appear OK with this (double standard?), now not just an email address for you to tattle-tale on your neighbors and forward emails to the whitehouse (containing names, opinions, traceable IP information, etc)....but now an entire website devoted to it.
Amazingly enough, this page is like a town hall meeting, but just one-sided with no chance to discuss or debate it....just the way they like it. Freedom of speech? That only applies to them. Nobody else of differing opinion.