Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More People Wanting Freebies....

Best Buy $9.99 TV offer was too good to be true

Every **** one of you (with their very own WEBSITE now...) who bought it online and ran to the store waiting in line first thing in the morning with your receipt in hand and all ready for battle, knew that was a typo. There is no 52" TV set for $9.99

Quit the "honor the price" crap, claiming it's bad customer service (like you're a normal customer or something...), get your refund and go back to your hole and shut up. Quit trying to get something for nothing and another freebie in this country, and in turn cost me (the normal shopper) more $ down the road as the company would have to try to recover its losses.

Or, maybe have Barry Obama have a press conference and state that Best Buy acted stupidly, and somehow relate it to an example of profiling/racism in this country. It would be just as applicable as the last time he made that correlation.