And he's correct in saying so.....because he is.
It's very simple -
The officer showed no racism.
The officer happened to be white.
The professor was racist.
Obama, states he doesn't know the facts, but says the Police acted stupidly and then goes on about how blacks (and latinos, throws that in there for good measure) are profiled and pulled over more, and states this as fact.
No other explanation for that, other than we saw his true character.
Add that to calling the Professor w/these classic video examples as his friend, plus attending Rev. Wright's church for 20 years....I think it's pretty clear.
Let's not act like it's all such a shock at Glenn Beck's comments.
Perhaps Glenn should follow up by saying he should have "calibrated his words differently" - as Barry put it, whatever the hell that was supposed to mean.
Here's the clip that has got the media's undies in a wad!